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“Personal Information” means information or an opinion (including
information or an opinion forming part of a database), whether true or not and
whether recorded in a material form or not, about an individual whose identity is
apparent, or can reasonably be ascertained from the information or opinion.


“Direct Marketing” means the marketing of goods or services through means of
communication including written, verbal or electronic means. The goods or
services, which are marketed, may be those of HK AUTOPARTS or a Related
Body Corporate or those of an independent third-party organization.


“Disclosure” means the release of information outside HK AUTOPARTS,
including under a contract to carry out an “outsourced function”.


“Primary Purpose” means the dominant or fundamental reason for information
being collected in a particular transaction.


“Reasonable Expectation” means a reasonable individual’s expectation that
their personal information might be Used or Disclosed for the particular purpose.


Related Body Corporate means that where a body corporate is:
    i. a holding company of another body corporate.
    ii. a subsidiary of another body corporate; or
    iii. a subsidiary of a holding company of another body corporate, the first
         mentioned body corporate and the other body corporate are deemed to be
         related to each other.


Sensitive Information means:
i. information or an opinion about an individual’s:
        a. racial or ethnic origin; or
        b. political opinions; or
        c. membership of a political association; or
        d. religious beliefs or affiliations; or
        e. philosophical beliefs; or
        f. membership of a professional or trade association; or
        g. membership of a trade union;




This Data Privacy Policy sets out the standard Policy which HK
AUTOPARTS will apply in relation to the treatment and protection of
Personal Data and Information of its customers within the framework of
transparency, honesty and respect to human dignity.




This policy shall apply to Personal Data when it is electronically processed,
or obtained, gathered, or extracted in preparation in any other way for
electronic processing, or when processed via a combination of electronic and
traditional processing.
This policy shall not apply to Personal Data processed by individuals within
a private or a family scope, or to any Personal Data processed for the
purpose of obtaining official statistical data as per provisions of the referred
to Qatar law No (2) of 2011.
The Data Privacy Policy includes information on how HK AUTOPARTS
collects, uses, discloses and keeps secure, individuals’ Personal Information.
It also covers how HK AUTOPARTS makes the Personal Information
available for access to and correction by the individual.
This Policy is a public document and has been prepared in accordance to
Qatar promulgated Law No. (13) of 2016 on Protecting Personal Data
Privacy Collection.




HK AUTOPARTS will collect Personal Data and Information upon prior
consent of customer and as the information deemed necessary for HK
AUTOPARTS to perform one or more of its functions or activities to ensure
delivering the ordered items to the customers.

        1. In this context, “collect” means gather, acquire or obtain by any
       means, information in circumstances where the individual is
       identifiable or identified.


HK AUTOPARTS collects Personal Information primarily to supply its
customers with the products and services placed in HK AUTOPARTS
website and its related entities. HK AUTOPARTS also collects and uses
Personal Data Information for following purposes but not limited to:
Receipt, registration, storage, preparation, modification, retrieval, usage,
disclosure, publication, transfer, withholding, destruction, erasure and


HK AUTOPARTS collects Personal Information Billing and Account
Management, Business planning and product development and to provide
individuals with information about promotions or sending any advertising
or marketing material to certain individuals, as well as the products and
services of HK AUTOPARTS Logistics affiliated entities.


HK AUTOPARTS will take the appropriate administrative, technical, and
financial precautions to protect Personal Data and will not collect any
Information from individuals without their prior consent and only where it
is necessary for HK AUTOPARTS to collect such information for an activity
or function.




HK AUTOPARTS will, prior to start processing any Personal Data, inform
the Individual with the following: obtain an individual’s consent for Use of
non-sensitive Personal Information for Secondary Purposes at the time of
collection, unless the Use is a related Secondary Purpose, which would be
within the relevant individual’s Reasonable Expectations.


HK AUTOPARTS uses Personal Information primarily for the purposes
listed in 1.2 above.


HK AUTOPARTS will not use Sensitive Information for Direct Marketing.
Therefore, HK AUTOPARTS will not transmit of electronic
Communication to an Individual, for the purpose of Direct Marketing, shall
be forbidden, except
after obtaining the prior consent thereof.


HK AUTOPARTS may use Personal Information to avoid an imminent
threat to a person’s life or to public safety. It may also use Personal
Information for reasons related to law enforcement or internal
investigations into unlawful activities.


HK AUTOPARTS will not use Personal Information without taking
reasonable steps to ensure that the information is accurate, complete
and up to date.




HK AUTOPARTS may Disclose Personal Information to related or
unrelated third parties if consent has been obtained from the individual.
This will include obtaining the individual’s consent for Disclosures made
under the credit reporting requirements of the Privacy Act.


HK AUTOPARTS may Disclose Personal Information between Related
Bodies Corporate where information is Disclosed to such a Related Body
Corporate, that Related Body Corporate is bounded by the original Primary
Purpose for which the information was collected.


HK AUTOPARTS may disclose Personal Information to unrelated third
parties to enable outsourcing of functions (such as billing, customer relations
management and order fulfillment), where that is Disclosure or Use for a
related Secondary Purpose and has been notified to individuals or where
such Disclosure is within the individual’s Reasonable Expectations.


HK AUTOPARTS will take reasonable steps to ensure that its contracts with
third parties include requirements for third parties to comply with the Use
and Disclosure requirements of the Privacy Act.


HK AUTOPARTS may disclose Personal Information to law enforcement
agencies, government agencies, courts or were permitted or required by law.


HK AUTOPARTS will not take any decision or measure that may limit the
Cross-Border Data Flow, unless the processing of such data is in breach of
this Law, or where such processing may cause serious damage to the
Personal Data or to the Individual’s privacy.


If a Disclosure is not for a Primary Purpose; is not for a related Secondary
Purpose; or upfront consent has not been obtained, HK AUTOPARTS will
Not disclose Personal Information otherwise than in accordance with the
Exceptions set out at 3.1 to 3.6 above


HK AUTOPARTS does not generally sell or share its customer lists on a
commercial basis with third parties but if it did, it would only do so if we had
the appropriate consent of the individual is obtained. If the consent provided
is conditional, HK AUTOPARTS will take steps to ensure (by contract) that
the use of its customer list by third parties does not exceed the scope of the



4.1 HK AUTOPARTS will review, on a regular and ongoing basis, its
collection and storage practices to ascertain how improvements to accuracy
can be achieved.
4.2 HK AUTOPARTS will take steps to destroy or de-identify Personal
Information after a maximum of seven years from the date of the last
customer interaction, unless the law requires otherwise.



HK AUTOPARTS requires employees, contractors and stakeholders to
perform their duties in a manner that is consistent with HK AUTOPARTS
legal responsibilities in relation to privacy policy.


HK AUTOPARTS will take all reasonable steps to ensure that paper and
electronic records containing Personal Information are stored in facilities
that are only accessible by people within HK AUTOPARTS who have a
genuine “need to know” as well as “right to know”.


HK AUTOPARTS will review, on a regular and ongoing basis, its
information security practices to ascertain how ongoing responsibilities can
be achieved and maintained.



HK AUTOPARTS will correct its records containing Personal Information
as soon as practically possible, at the request of the concerned individual in
accordance with this Policy subject to HK AUTOPARTS solo discretion.

Concerned Individuals who wish to lodge a request to access and/or correct
their Personal Information should do so by contacting HK AUTOPARTS
client services department, as per the details on the website.
HK AUTOPARTS might charge a fee for processing record for Data or an
access request.



HK AUTOPARTS client services representatives will be the Solo point of
contact for inquiries about privacy issues. Individuals wishing to make an
inquiry or complaint regarding privacy should do so by contacting HK
AUTOPARTS client services, as per the details available in the HK
AUTOPARTS website.


7.2 HK AUTOPARTS websites will contain a prominently displayed
privacy statement and will include a copy of this HK AUTOPARTS
Privacy Policy.



HK AUTOPARTS will not make it mandatory for visitors to its web sites to
provide Personal Information unless such Personal Information is required
to answer an inquiry or provide a service. HK AUTOPARTS may however
request visitors to provide Personal Information voluntarily to HK
AUTOPARTS (for example, as part of a competition or questionnaire).

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